Teroborona is a term for Civil Defence Units formed of civilians who stood up to protect Ukraine. Many of my artist and musicians friends had to pick up arms and join Teroborona. This is a dedication to their courage and to the courage of all defenders. The song is rooted in Ukrainian traditional dance “Arkan”, one of true Ukrainian Hutzul spirit. All proceeds will go to Ukraine relief.
Lyrics feature shout outs to specific units of Teroborona in various Towns olin Ukraine.
Video is produced by creators of “Kinodopomoga” Youtube channel.
It is also the opening track of the compilation “Artdopomoga” (Supportive Arts) featuring current Ukrainian artists responding to the Invasion. Produced by Ivan Derbastler. For more info: https://artdopomoga.com/shop/music/artdopomoga-vol-1-2022/