Roaring 2020s

A couple of life-loving performers of GB extended familia get together to retranslate their quest for light & humour in the dark hour…They send their love & healing vibration across all nations … while jamming out on their own inside joke version of Roarin 20s — the Indomitable Roarin 2020s RenaiDance…
Can you dig it ?
Gothic Flappers:
Katheryn McGaffigan
Foxie Miss Moxie
Melancholic Academic Bootlegger: Professor Sergey Ryabtzev
News Paper Boy: Victoria Espinoza
Directed: Oleg Rooz & Eugene Hutz
Video edit & montage: Oleg Rooz
Camera by: Alejandro Neira, Eugene Hutz
Mix by: Rob Odea, Pedro Erazo, Eugene Hutz
The show is on the road again! We can not wait to see your glowin faces and to service Gogol community again ?❤️✊? by sharing the life-loving spark within all of us. Needless to say : it is our time of common people to be the most commonsensical, please contunue taking care of each other, physically and psychologically…??????